Our promise to you...

Torchlight is committed to you. Learn how we protect your privacy, provide compassionate support, and share our expertise.

Whenever you log in to your Torchlight account, we want you to feel confident, comfortable, and secure. Therefore, we promise to:

  • Protect and secure your data and privacy
    The Torchlight team handles the security of your data with the utmost care. Names or individual identifiers are never shared, not even with your employer. Our Privacy Policy further details the extensive measures we take to ensure your privacy.
  • Provide compassionate support to you, the caregiver
    Our Team consists of top professionals in the field as well as real-life caregivers. We understand how difficult it can be to get the right help. And many of us have experienced firsthand the challenges that too often exist when working with medical professionals, nursing homes and other caregivers to get services. We’ve been there, and we “get it.”
  • Share our expertise
    Torchlight offers up-to-date information, best practices, and caregiving strategies. We don’t stop there. We also provide hundreds of tips, tools, and features to help you advocate for your loved one and manage your needs as a caregiver and busy person with your own life to lead.